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Solution Refinement : Iterate, Iterate, Iterate!
After we've defined our problem, explored potential solutions, and chosen and designed a final solution all that is left is to repeat the process again and again! Once we've come up with our design, there are almost always issues that present themselves or improvements that we'd like to see. These often come up in the middle of the process and we often have to accept these imperfections as we go along so that we can get to a solution, even if its not the best. Iterating on the design process gives us opportunities to fix these problems and further improve the design. Realistically there is some threshold for performance at which we stop improving/refining, which comes back to our requirements again. Does our solution achieve the requirements in the way that we want? If so we can stop. If not, we continue to improve.
And that's it! We've now completed the design process!
The next few pages present a couple of Case Studies generated by engineering students from the Brigham Young University Robotics and Dynamics Laboratory. These studies attempt to show the process the students went through, and are intended to show a varied selection of design problems.
The next few pages present a couple of Case Studies generated by engineering students from the Brigham Young University Robotics and Dynamics Laboratory. These studies attempt to show the process the students went through, and are intended to show a varied selection of design problems.